I also made lots of fake clay sprinkles for decoration, these took ages to make because I had to roll them individually and cut them into fine pieces. I really like the colours, it's fresh, bright and fruity.
Some pastels too.
I went shopping yesterday and found some real bargains! I was really happy to find these mini piggy spatulas, they are great to mix my cold porcelain clay mixture.I also saw these metal chocolate moulds, they are perfect for my miniatures sweets, and I can use them as tarts and even bowls.
The front and back detail of the mini spatulas, the tail is so cute.
The chocolate moulds came with a nice tin, it makes it so much easier for storage.
Each of the shape came in 3s, plenty of stuff to make with all these moulds.
Here are all the shapes, I am really happy with the variety of shapes it came with.
Some of them has a nice detail on the back. I have been using flexible moulds for a while now, so these metal ones are really new to me. I am not sure how well the object would release from the mould but it's definitely worth trying.
More cute crafts coming soon!
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