Mini Fruit Swiss Roll

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Wednesday 3 October 2012
Needle felting is also a therapy. It allows a person to take part in a creative activity which involves concentration and patience to bring calm to themselves. I have read articles about people with diseases and problems taking part in this art as an individual or as a group, and they have discovered and expressed their inner-selves to create a piece of art that is very personal. 

The cake is topped with strawberries, mango, a heart cookie and cream. 

I wasn't feeling really positive these days because of the work load from uni, so I made this little swiss roll to release my stress. It was really hard to make because of the small scale and I didn't want to poke myself when making small pieces like the strawberries. However, it was a good first attempt, and I am really happy with the final result. I might make more of these, like different flavours and colours! 

Cute little cell phone strap for your phone~
One thing I noticed from these photos is that the cake looks very fluffy, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Oh well, it's cute anyways! ^_^ Halloween is coming up real soon, I wish I can make something for that too.
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